Leaf and roots


Leaf and roots for medicinal uses, juices, balms and tinctures.

Leafs fall to the ground during the growing cycle and return nutrients to the soil, they are collected in Europe as an animal food and have tremendous uses as a medicine and human food.

Roots rapidly grow, penetrating deep into the soil , preventing erosion and breaking up compacted soil.

The plant grows so rapidly that in well prepared soil it will out compete the weeds, so no herbicides are required if your soils are prepare correctly.

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c. Seed black and whiteHemp seed can be used as a super food/drink, a superior animal feed, as an oil in cosmetics, industrial lubricants, paint and varnish or as a fuel and lighting oil.  The seed is high in protein and has the highest level of total EFA 85%(essential fatty acids) in the plant kingdom with around 25% LNA Omega 3 and 55% LA Omega 6, and contains some Omega 9.  



Dehulling machine – China

In New Zealand the seed is a class C drug so you need a licence to possess iHemp seeds. This means that even though they come in a perfect container for storage and transport purposes.  Before the public can get them they need to be hulled.  By removing the husk they are no longer a seed and become a “hemp product – derived from iHemp.

Once the seed is cold pressed into oil, you have to keep it away from sources of heat, light and air  as they will deteriorate the nutritional quality over time.  The oil is a great additive to smoothies, a drizel on salads and as a supplement.  

hemp seeds can be made in to oil, protein powders and flour, to produce milk, ice creams, pastas, breads and can also be sprouted to make even more super foods.


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Stems – fibre and hurd/shiv

Hemp fibre is naturally anti bacterial, antifungerial, anti static and anti-microbial,  As a textile it can stop 95% of the UV light, it is light and comfortable on the skin.  “Clothes that wear in not out”.  The fibre makes up about 20% of the dry weight of the stems and is made up of long and short bast fibres.

IMG_4248The fibre has various grades, which have traditionally been made in to textiles and specialty papers.  It is often used to make high value filters, as a geo-textile in roading and agricultural products, carpet backing, rope, caulking, fibre plaster, 

In recent times its use in the automotive industry as a composite material has increased demand.  And who would have thought of 3D printing in the 90’s but this to can use hemp fiber.  Making graphene,  fuel cells and semiconductors are other useful applications being developed.

Hemp produces the strongest, most durable, long lasting natural fibre known to man.  These fibres can be made into twine, rope, fabrics and fine quality fabrics

Fibre types

The hurd/shiv comes from the inner woody pith of the stems and is high in cellulose, the building block of plastics, it is commonly used as stable bedding as it is highly absorbent and naturally anti bacterial with a low dust content.

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