Hemp fibre is naturally anti bacterial, antifungerial, anti static and anti-microbial, As a textile it can stop 95% of the UV light, it is light and comfortable on the skin. “Clothes that wear in not out”. The fibre makes up about 20% of the dry weight of the stems and is made up of long and short bast fibres.
The fibre has various grades, which have traditionally been made in to textiles and specialty papers. It is often used to make high value filters, as a geo-textile in roading and agricultural products, carpet backing, rope, caulking, fibre plaster,
In recent times its use in the automotive industry as a composite material has increased demand. And who would have thought of 3D printing in the 90’s but this to can use hemp fiber. Making graphene, fuel cells and semiconductors are other useful applications being developed.
Hemp produces the strongest, most durable, long lasting natural fibre known to man. These fibres can be made into twine, rope, fabrics and fine quality fabrics
The hurd/shiv comes from the inner woody pith of the stems and is high in cellulose, the building block of plastics, it is commonly used as stable bedding as it is highly absorbent and naturally anti bacterial with a low dust content.