The modern rediscover of hemp as a feed stock for industry, is starting to gain momentum. There is something of interest for everyone, whatever industry you are in hemp has something to offer you. From cottage industry to big business hemp provides employment and business opportunities to rural New Zealand.
Once hemp gets out there and people can touch it, they will become engaged and want to work with it and incorporate it in to there business. It starts with hemp being a small part of specialty products, whilst production capacity is scaled to meet the demand of larger producers.
Hemp is sustainable and being new it is only now starting to receive attention, people are starting to get interest in the abundance of positive attributes, qualities which make it so versatile.
Business of the future will need to source their raw materials ethically or consumers may not support them. Hemp can be a good source for this and compliments other current land uses, producing a crop or cleaning the soil where it is grown for future food crops.
It is new and has not been genetically modified.
We respect the honesty of the plant and hope that business models will be built around this new industry that have sound ethical, moral, environment values and make great profits for the shareholders.
There are a number of hemp companies in New Zealand seeking to develop their business plans, which involve farmers and producers of hemp foods and construction materials.
There is a lot of R&D interest from University, Crown Research Institutes and industry who want to be involved in the development of a wide range of potential end uses.
If you want to be involved, we recommend you get in touch with the NZHIA. – promoting the economic, environmental, health and social benefits of a New Zealand iHemp industry
For business enquirers Hemptastic and the Triple M Company are seeking joint ventures and joint partnerships to develop a local industry, contact